BayRunner Shuttle

BWI Airport Shuttle Serving Cumberland, MD – Allegany College

Daily departures from:

Allegany College of Maryland
Center for Continuing Education
12401 Willowbrook Road
Cumberland, MD 21502

Book your one-way or round-trip shuttle service to BWI Marshall Airport, BWI Amtrak station, or the Baltimore Greyhound bus station.

The shuttle stop is outside the Center for Continuing Education!

Park for FREE at the college while you are away.

Parking Procedure:  At least 15 minutes before departure: Call campus security at 301-784-5555 and tell the dispatcher you are a BayRunner Shuttle passenger leaving your vehicle on campus. When the shuttle arrives, please see your shuttle driver for a parking permit and check that you are parked in the correct area. Campus police have the right to tow vehicles that do not have parking pass displayed.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled departure to ensure an on-time departure.

From Cumberland to Baltimore

  Allegany College   Greyhound Station BWI Airport - Rail Station
9:20 AM 12:20 PM 12:40 PM Daily
5:20 PM 8:20 PM 8:40 PM Sun-Fri
No Sat Service

From Baltimore to Cumberland

BWI Airport - Rail Station Greyhound Station   Allegany College  
11:00 AM - 11:05 AM 11:30 AM 2:35 PM Daily
7:00 PM - 7:05 PM 7:30 PM 10:25 PM Sun-Fri
No Sat Service

Rates (All Rates are One Way)

Connections to the Eastern Shore are available. Call our office to book continuing space on a shuttle.

Allegany College of Maryland